Easy CD Creator 4.02 System Unstable problem



Hello. I just noticed that the EASY CD Creator 4.02e I
have installed has caused a system unstability on my
Windows XP. It says something about I have installed a
driver of EASY CD Creator and it's causing my computer
problems, so it disabled the file.

Can anyone help me how to fix this problem? Like, how to
get rid of the driver of EASY CD Creator 4.02e? Or how to
fix the entire thing?

Thank you!



This edit will remove the drivers listed in the article below that causes
the message:

Save the file below to your hard drive. Navigate to where you saved it and
double click the file. A confirmation dialog will appear when the script is
done. You may need to reboot for the change to take effect.

Restore CD/DVD in Explorer

CD Recording software will cause Windows to become unstable. Windows has
prevented these drivers from loading.


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