e-mail problems



I cannot send e-mail on my laptop. It does not matter if I hook up broadband
or wireless. I keep getting this message: An unknown error has occurred.
Server Response: '421 charter.net connection refused from []',
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67. Can
anyone help with this?


pcvaus said:
I cannot send e-mail on my laptop. It does not matter if I hook up
or wireless. I keep getting this message: An unknown error has occurred.
Server Response: '421 charter.net connection refused from []',
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67.
anyone help with this?

Does your connection to that server cross over from one internet provider's
equipment to another's, as it may if you happen to be connected through
someone else's wireless connection instead of yours? If so, such
to port 25 are often blocked to cause trouble for spammers. If
is along the pathway, this has happened.


This web page doesn't seem to show if you can use any other port, but it
offers a few ways to ask Charter for help. There are about 65,000 ports
available, so trying them all is a very slow way to find out.

Gary VanderMolen

Charter refuses the port 25 connection because you are connected to
the Internet via a non-Charter connection. For more on this issue see

There are four possible workarounds:

1. Use webmail for sending: http://mail.charter.net
2. Use a port other than '25' for SMTP, if your mail provider
has a provision for that. I don't think Charter has that feature.
3. Use the SMTP server belonging to your current connection.
4. Get a free Gmail account, configure it for POP access, and
use it for your sending chores. Gmail uses port 465 for SMTP,
which is not blocked.


Using Vista I cannot send as email attachments Word files written using XP. I
get the message 'file cannot be found'. What do I do?

Bob F.

Bernard said:
Using Vista I cannot send as email attachments Word files written using
get the message 'file cannot be found'. What do I do?

Can you send any attachments of any kind? How did you make the attachment,
drag it into Mail or select it through browsing? What folder was it in and
what are its propeties?...system folder, documents folder, generic? Where
did it end up? In the sent folder? Dissapeared?
Bob F.


Is the attachment closed in all other programs before you try to attach it?
Windows Mail often has problems with attachments that are open in some
other program.

Bernard said:
Using Vista I cannot send as email attachments Word files written using
get the message 'file cannot be found'. What do I do?

pcvaus said:
I cannot send e-mail on my laptop. It does not matter if I hook up
or wireless. I keep getting this message: An unknown error has occurred.
Server Response: '421 charter.net connection refused from
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67.
anyone help with this?


pcvaus said:
I cannot send e-mail on my laptop. It does not matter if I hook up broadband
or wireless. I keep getting this message: An unknown error has occurred.
Server Response: '421 charter.net connection refused from []',
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67. Can
anyone help with this?


KeithF said:
pcvaus said:
I cannot send e-mail on my laptop. It does not matter if I hook up
or wireless. I keep getting this message: An unknown error has occurred.
Server Response: '421 charter.net connection refused from
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67.
anyone help with this?

If your connection to that server crosses over from one internet provider's
equipment to another's, such connections to port 25 are often blocked
to cause trouble for spammers. In such a case you should want to ask
whether the outgoing email server listens for outgoing mail on any port
other than port 25. However, just trying all the ports is a very slow way
to find out, since there are about 65,000 ports available.

Have you compared your setup against the charter.net instructions?



Demetrios said:
Can anyone help. I'm using vista Live Mail and I keep getting the
following error

An unknown error has occurred.

Subject 'from foya'
Server Error: 421
Server Response: 421 Cannot connect to SMTP server
(, connect error 10060
Server: 'mail.supremecluster.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC67
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): Yes

Can anyone help?? P.S. tried changing the outgoing port from 25 to 587
and still did not work. Its a Roundcube webmail account im trying to
access in my live mail.

You're likely to get help with Windows Live Mail faster if you ask
in newsgroup:


Gary VanderMolen

Go to Tools, Accounts, select that mail account, Properties,
Advanced. Change the outgoing (SMTP) port from 25 to 2525.
Then go to the Servers tab and make sure "My server requires
authentication" is enabled.

If that does not work, who is your ISP?


you have to get used to the laptop
KeithF said:
pcvaus said:
I cannot send e-mail on my laptop. It does not matter if I hook up
or wireless. I keep getting this message: An unknown error has occurred.
Server Response: '421 charter.net connection refused from
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67.
anyone help with this?


Connections to port 25 are often blocked if they cross over from
one internet provider's equipment to another's before they reach the
server, in order to cause problems for spammers. Wireless connections
often go through a neighbor's wireless server instead of yours, and
therefore start out through your neighbor's internet provider. Check
here and see if you have the option to use some other port instead:


Just trying all the ports is a very slow way to find out, since there are
about 65,000 ports and it's unlikely that more than a few of them will
accept outgoing mail.

you have to get used to the laptop
KeithF said:
pcvaus said:
I cannot send e-mail on my laptop. It does not matter if I hook up
or wireless. I keep getting this message: An unknown error has occurred.
Server Response: '421 charter.net connection refused from
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67.
anyone help with this?

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