E-mail on Welcome Screen



I get a notification under my name on the Welcome Screen in XP that I have
unread e-mail messages. I have cleared all e-mail from Outlook and still get
the notification. What's up? How do I clear the notification?


I have the same problem. Did you ever discover what was causing this and how
to get rid of the mis-leading message ?


I downloaded a program called "Tweak UI" from
Power toys for Windows XP which I think you can find by searching this site.
It's free and allows you to basically click once and remove the misleading


Thanks I will give this a try

Allan1975 said:
I downloaded a program called "Tweak UI" from
Power toys for Windows XP which I think you can find by searching this site.
It's free and allows you to basically click once and remove the misleading


Thanks - for an ordinary user (as distinct from a system administrator) this
fix strikes me as being dangerous ! Surely Microsoft given the longstanding
& evidently known nature of this bug should provide a fix or a script to run ?

Brian Tillman

Baffled said:
Thanks - for an ordinary user (as distinct from a system
administrator) this fix strikes me as being dangerous !

Microsoft given the longstanding & evidently known nature of this bug
should provide a fix or a script to run ?

TweakUI, available from Microsoft's downloads, allows you to control it
easily without using the Registry editor.


You ask "why ?" Answer - because of the warning included ... stating
"Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from
using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk."

However, thanks for pointing me in the direction of TweakUI. Bizarrely the
unread email message has mysteriously disappeared of its own accord - any
idea why ?

Brian Tillman

Baffled said:
However, thanks for pointing me in the direction of TweakUI.

You're welcome.
Bizarrely the unread email message has mysteriously disappeared of
its own accord - any idea why ?

Nope. Do you use MSN Messenger or Windows Messenger with a Passport? If
you do, perhaps that resolved the discrepancy.

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