Dynamically updating parameters

  • Thread starter Maziar Aflatoun
  • Start date

Maziar Aflatoun

Hi everyone,

Here is the basic idea. I have a form that opens up a new window
ViewNote.aspx sending 3 parameters.

<INPUT class="buttonsmall" id="NewNote1" type="button" value="New Note"
name="NewNote2" onclick="javascript:var

Now how can I make it so that the NID, SID and AID values are generated
dynamically? like in asp you would use NID=<%=value%>

Is there a better way to do this making it a server control? (please note
that I need to specify the size of the window)

Thank you

Jason S


The asp.net way would be to use the HTMLAnchor class and set the Href
property in your code.

Jason S.

Munsifali Rashid

You could use public variables, and then reference these public variables in
the ASPX page using the <%=value%> syntax as you would in classic ASP. But,
I don't think this is the recommend way of doing things...


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