dynamic variable naming




I am building a multilanguage asp .net application using masterpages.
All the pages are derived from one class and the class has a function
which finds a specific label on the masterpage and prints the output
messages there.

public void ShowMessage(string outputMessage)
Label lblOutput = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblMessage");
lblOutput.Text = outputMessage;

i have a string constants class and the strings with two languages are
definded there like this

public struct InHouseMessages
public const string OPERATION_SUCCESS = "yehu";
public const string OPERATION_SUCCESS_ENG = "yeah";
public const string OPERATION_FAILURE = "nayir";
public const string OPERATION_FAILURE_ENG = "damn";
public const string OPERATION_STUCK = "hayiiiiiiirrr";
public const string OPERATION_STUCK_ENG = "noooooooo";

What i want to do is make the ShowMessage function language aware like

public void ShowMessage(string outputMessage, bool isENG)
lblMessage.text = outputMessage+_ENG;
lblMessage.text = outputMessage;

i mean i want to programmatically change the variable name befoure the
variable gets its string value.

Hans Olav

Hi. Simply use a List<string> (.Net 2.0) or a StringCollection to store your
messages instead of the ugly hardcoded consts.
Then you can get your string using MyStringCollection[OutputMessage +
'_Eng'] for example.

'Hans Olav.

Greg Young

Have you considerred storing these items as resources where they could be
easily localized (as opposed to trying to handle the localization on your

http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/Localization.asp is a quick example but if
you google on C# Resource Localiztion it should bring up a bunch of articles
for you.


Greg Young


Thank you for your help,

Firstly localization option would be a good way to go, but i have
choosen the dictionary approach.
The dictionary object seems to handle the job well. I created a class
containing a dictioanry object which is declered as static and an
ititializer function which is again static.

in the global.asax file, applicationa start event, the inititalization
function is called.

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