Dynamic menu and item clicked


William LaMartin

I recall being able to do this in Vb.net, but I can seem to find a way to
accomplish it in the compact framework.

I want to connect to a compact SQL database, get the list of tables and
display them in a menu. I have no trouble doing this. My problem begins
when I want to retrieve the text of the menu item when one of these
dynamically created menu items is clicked.

In VB.net I could add an item to the menu as follows.

mnuMain.MenuItems.Add("Menu Caption", AddressOf MenuItem_Click)

That allowed me to associate handler for the click event. However, in the
compact framework I can only add a Windows.Forms.MenuItem--with no method
that I see of associating a click event handler.

What is my solution?

Daniel Moth 2

Your solution is to add an event handler to the menuitem (with
AddHandler) before adding it to the collection.


William LaMartin

Thanks very much. That did the trick.

Daniel Moth 2 said:
Your solution is to add an event handler to the menuitem (with
AddHandler) before adding it to the collection.


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