Dynamic formulas



I am currently trying to get a cell to recognize the amount of work completed
by employees on a certain day, automatically. Each employee uses a monthly
log, and column A includes the day in M/DD format, whereas column G includes
the word "Completed" or "Deferred." I have worked out the formula to get a
different tab to count up "Completed" in a range of column G, but as the
sheet is monthly I am unable to get it to count up the amount for a specific
day, so they may manage their productivity.

How would I be able to get Excel to recognize today's date, and count up the
amount completed in column G just for that date?


That worked perfectly, once I modified the ranges for my sheet. Thank you!

How might I cause it to count all non-empty cells for that same range,
instead of completed?

I'm using =SUMPRODUCT(--(B1:B1000=TODAY()),--(G1:G1000="Completed")) to
track completed, and =SUMPRODUCT(--(B1:B1000=TODAY())) for all listed under
that range, but I'd like to make it count up the range in the G range rather
than B range. Thanks again!

T. Valko

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