Dynamic Disks in XPe



We've tried to hook up a disk that is running XPe to a system where the main disk is running Windows 2000 on a dynamic disk

When XPe boots we get a blue screen saying "SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED". Then , when we try to boot back into the Windows 2000 disk, we get a blue screen saying "INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE". XPe seems to be trying to do something with the other disk

Is there something that is missing from our XPe image? The component named "Disk Management Dynamic Volume Runtime" is already part of our image

Is there some way to stop this behaviour?

Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)

We've tried to hook up a disk that is running XPe to a system where the main disk is running Windows 2000 on a dynamic disk.

Could you explain what "main disk" means?
If BIOS boots "main disk" and you use boot.ini for multi boot, make sure that you copy ntldr. and ntdetect from XP/XPe to "main
disk" instead of Win 2000 files.
Also what is the type of non "main disk"? HDD/CF. IDE/USB, Removable/Fixed?


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Daniel said:
We've tried to hook up a disk that is running XPe to a system where the main disk is running Windows 2000 on a dynamic disk.

When XPe boots we get a blue screen saying "SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED". Then , when we try to boot back into the Windows
2000 disk, we get a blue screen saying "INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE". XPe seems to be trying to do something with the other disk.


And just to add to that a possible corruption scenario...

What target boot settings you got for your XPe image?
If it is C: (I may expect that), and your "main disk" becomes C: (as primary partition on master disk), you may end up booting not
in XPe but Win 2000. This may lead to Win 2000 data loss or corruptions.

This article may be helpful to you too: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=236086


Thanks for the reply

By 'main disk', I mean that there was a disk in the machine which had Windows 2000 running on it. It was on the C: drive in a single boot configuration. We've tried this with fixed drives, with a combination of IDE/SCSI/RAID controllers

We added a new disk with XPe on it, which is set up as C:. We changed the original disk's boot.ini file to point to this new disk. We are copying the XPe ntldr file to the original disk. We are NOT copying 'ntdetect.com'. Is this really an issue? With non-dynamic disks, this works fine, and the original disk/partition/volume comes up as d

----- Slobodan Brcin (eMVP) wrote: ----

We've tried to hook up a disk that is running XPe to a system where the main disk is running Windows 2000 on a dynamic disk

Could you explain what "main disk" means
If BIOS boots "main disk" and you use boot.ini for multi boot, make sure that you copy ntldr. and ntdetect from XP/XPe to "mai
disk" instead of Win 2000 files
Also what is the type of non "main disk"? HDD/CF. IDE/USB, Removable/Fixed


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Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)


If C: problem is the only reason why you need to use dynamic disks then do not to that.
You should read:


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Daniel said:
Thanks for the reply.

By 'main disk', I mean that there was a disk in the machine which had Windows 2000 running on it. It was on the C: drive in a
single boot configuration. We've tried this with fixed drives, with a combination of IDE/SCSI/RAID controllers.
We added a new disk with XPe on it, which is set up as C:. We changed the original disk's boot.ini file to point to this new
disk. We are copying the XPe ntldr file to the original disk. We are NOT copying 'ntdetect.com'. Is this really an issue? With
non-dynamic disks, this works fine, and the original disk/partition/volume comes up as d:


It's not for that reason. It's just the way we're using XPe. We need to be able to go to different systems, and add an XPe image disk to boot from. From there we access the other drives. If those other drives are dynamic, then those disks are corrupted. We can't even boot from them anymore

At one point when XPe was booting I noticed that there was a 'chkdsk /f' running, which could destroy the disk I guess. Is there some way to stop that, or to get it to be more friendly with dynamic disks, or is this not even related

You also mentioned that ntdetect.com needs to be replaced. It seems to work without replacing it on non dynamic disk systems, but could this corrupt the disk


----- Slobodan Brcin (eMVP) wrote: ----


If C: problem is the only reason why you need to use dynamic disks then do not to that
You should read


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Daniel said:
Thanks for the reply
disk. We are copying the XPe ntldr file to the original disk. We are NOT copying 'ntdetect.com'. Is this really an issue? Wit
non-dynamic disks, this works fine, and the original disk/partition/volume comes up as d

Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)


Is there a chance that you can set BIOS to boot from disk with XPe on it?
This way you will have all files you need on XPe disk.
Also you can remove component with chkdsk, this way you won't have to worry about it.

I really have no idea what has gone wrong with you windows, except ARC paths that are probably different since you are booting using
boot.ini from second disk not the first one.


Daniel said:
It's not for that reason. It's just the way we're using XPe. We need to be able to go to different systems, and add an XPe image
disk to boot from. From there we access the other drives. If those other drives are dynamic, then those disks are corrupted. We
can't even boot from them anymore.
At one point when XPe was booting I noticed that there was a 'chkdsk /f' running, which could destroy the disk I guess. Is there
some way to stop that, or to get it to be more friendly with dynamic disks, or is this not even related?



I think KM probably is right when he said you might have booted
with C:.Other than the dynamic disk component there is none which i
have come across for this environment.Possible corruption of the 2000
will occur only if the booting has occured over the same..


Adam White

Windows has the concept of basic and dynamic disks. XPE is stored on and is
booting off a C: drive that is a dynamic disk.

When XPe boots we get a blue screen saying "SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED

Trying to recover from this by booting back into the original windows
installation causes an INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE error.

These errors do not happen when the C: drive in windows is of type basic.

To answer your other questions - The type of the disk is SCSI, HDD that is

Daniel said:
We've tried to hook up a disk that is running XPe to a system where the
main disk is running Windows 2000 on a dynamic disk.
When XPe boots we get a blue screen saying
"SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED". Then , when we try to boot back into the
Windows 2000 disk, we get a blue screen saying "INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE".
XPe seems to be trying to do something with the other disk.
Is there something that is missing from our XPe image? The component
named "Disk Management Dynamic Volume Runtime" is already part of our image.

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