DVD Playback on New Custom Built System.



I hope this is the right newsgroup for this question, If not could someone
point me to another newsgroup.

I have built a new system (Works like a charm for everything else) with the
following specs.

ASUS A7N8X DELUXE Motherboard. (Not the E model with built in video)
Athlon 2800 CPU
ASUS V9180 MX 440 8X With S-video, TV out, 64 MB Video Card
512 MB RAM
420 W Power Supply
Scorpio 668 Case.
Unknown 16X DVD Drive (Either Sony or Mitsumi I'm guessing.

When I first installed and updated the system using all latest patches etc
(including Media player 9.x with updates, Basically every update available
on Windows Update site). The first time I put a DVD in the drive, Media
player launched and told me I didn't have a Decoder installed. (I assumed
Media Player did its own software decoding for DVD). So I took the old
Hardware DVD PCI Card out of the old computer I was replacing and put it in
the new computer, Windows recognized it just fine and Installed all the
drivers. Now when I drop a DVD in windows media player plays it and acts
like its working fine but there is no audio and the picture is Black.

What is my best bet for getting this to work. I didn't think modern
computers required Hardware decoders for DVD's anymore. Is there a program
I can download to test with or to get the DVD playback to work?

Thanks for any hints and tips.


Problem solved. The vendor from whom I'd purchased the motherboard had
ordered an OEM version instead of retail version of the Motherboard. The
only difference is the missing Win DVD suite and a couple of cover plates.
He pulled the WINDVD suite from another box and I installed it and all is
good in the world.

Thanks for the info.

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