Dual (primary / seoncdary) video output with XP Home?



I have a laptop with Win2000 on it that I'm going to upgrade to XP. The
reason is to be able to use some video presentation software with dual
outputs: The panel displays the operator's "console" and the external monitor
displays the live presentation. I've had no success ever getting 2000 to do
this, but an identical laptop running XP Pro does it fine with the proper
video drivers.

Before I buy XP Pro, can anyone confirm that XP Home will do this as well?

If so, there's no compelling reason to spend the extra $$ on Pro. Any info
is appreciated, but particularly hard experience with XP Home actually
/doing/ this.

If anyone is curious, the software is EasyWorship (www.easyworship.com). It
uses an extended desktop, with the live output on the secondary monitor. The
laptop is question is an old Dell Inspiron with an ATI video system, IIRC.



I don't see why XP Home wouldn't. I think this would have more to do with the
graphics drivers you're using.
I've had quite a bit of experience with using secondary displays, but msot
of the time I don't pay attention to wether the computer has XP Home or XP

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