Dual boot operating system


Ken Blake

mrpsychology said:
Right i was not in disagreement with him, when i read the
of you are in violation of eula even though it will still
that is whta i was in disagreement with, becaues that implies
they see the comptuer as the hardrive not the motherboard.

Sorry, I don't have the faintest idea what that long convoluted
run-on sentence is supposed to mean. Would you like to try again,
in English?

Bruce Chambers

mrpsychology said:
Microsoft needs to understand the time that is lost to the user when they
need to reinstall windows and that is precisely why having two hardrives and
os's installed is necessary otherwise you lose hours of productivity.

That makes no sense, at all. A properly installed, configured, and
maintained operating system, installed upon fully compatible and
properly functioning hardware, will last years, and never *need* to be


Bruce Chambers

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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH


You are stating Microsoft is flawless? Way back when i owned my former Hp,
they told me the windows update corrupted my program and that i had to
reinstall it. naturally, my own build the os works a lot better, but dont
kid y ourself thinking it is foolish thinking that windows is flawless you
dont need back up for nothing? who are you? the public relations rep for
Microsoft? Hell, even on Microsoft's own presentation they talked about no
other choice but to reformat, and that xp is 10 times more stable, so if 98
as they stated werent so stable does that achieve perfection? Granted
again, only on my oems have I had a problem.

Ron Bogart

mrpsychology said:
Microsoft has told me when i have activated windows, per computer' not
hardrive. 'per computer' they have told me that many times on phone,
so i am in full agreement that there needs to be a union for
customers, because that will be a dark day for end-users if Microsoft
can now skew the liscence to hardrive rather than computer, that will
be a dark day for customers. A very dark day.

Childish rambling. You can have one install per license - that is all. If
this means a dark day for you - I hope you enjoy the dark.


A dark day for what? I have spoken to microsoft in voice, many times a
windows per computer is what hteyy have told me a few times in person. So
go back to your dark days. because the idea is, microsoft does not pay for
any time lost, so if they can say install rather (they have repeatedly told
me when i have called per computer) install per computer which is different,
than there needs to be warranty issues there needs to be some reimbursement
for loss of data otherwise. Other than what was told to me in person on
phone wiht microsoft in that department more than one occasion. And if you
really expect to charge for that one windows more than once on one computer,
you are a greedy piece of shit and you deserve whta darkness will come upon


That is why if that is the case even if I heard from voice form thta
department there definitely needs to be a customer union. because that shit
is over the top. Fro the money that is absolutely crazy and a result of
monopoly that that can happen. I directly spoke to a microsoft agent a
while ago like 2 months ago and told him i had two installs on my one
computer, he told me to when i activate to just let them know. I dont have
the two on now because i have the x64 on my ide.

Ron Bogart

mrpsychology said:
Maybe Microsoft will give you some money for your asskissing.

Still childish I see. It is not "a.. k......" to state the truth however it
is quite childish to believe that just because you throw a tantrum the rules
all change to fit your desires.


I have a year left on my basestation for tech support, i will call them and
get transferred to the right department at microsoft and ask again for the
4th time. Every time I have activated my windows they state one computer
thta they just want to make sure it is not on more than one computer. I
will fregen record the call.

Ron Bogart

mrpsychology said:
I have a year left on my basestation for tech support, i will call
them and get transferred to the right department at microsoft and ask
again for the 4th time. Every time I have activated my windows they
state one computer thta they just want to make sure it is not on more
than one computer. I will fregen record the call.

Be sure and explain "all" the scenario to them - not just what you want them
to hear to give you the answer you desire.


Not only have i on mor ethan one occastion have spoken with microsoft in
thta department, but does that mean as well that my former hewlett packard
was in violation as well? Because the way they had it set up was two
installs, one on D partition and the C, the D loads the C. Thta is the way
they had it set up. There wsa no temper tantrum because it wasnt an issue.
You are just a kiss ass punk trying to make someone spend more money they
probably dont hvae to. I have asked 4 different occasions verbally. Every
time, activations the person says one computer besides the other times.
YOu are just a greedy fregen nerd trying to kiss microsofts ass!

Bruce Chambers

mrpsychology said:
You are stating Microsoft is flawless?

Not at all. I'm stating that if one knows even a little bit about
computers, it's easy to keep a single OS installation both stable and
useful for years. A re-installation would be necessary only under very
rare circumstances. Just because _you_ clearly have no idea about how
to maintain a computer, don't assume everyone else is as helpless.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH


Bruce Chambers said:
Not at all. I'm stating that if one knows even a little bit about
computers, it's easy to keep a single OS installation both stable and
useful for years. A re-installation would be necessary only under very
rare circumstances. Just because _you_ clearly have no idea about how to
maintain a computer, don't assume everyone else is as helpless.

I have actually only had reinstall problems on my oem computer, my own
build has had none of the issues my oem had. Like windows updates
corrupting a program that doesnt happen now. The funny thing is one would
think the oem windows would be better than the windows i have on my own
build. --

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH


Bruce Chambers said:
Not at all. I'm stating that if one knows even a little bit about
computers, it's easy to keep a single OS installation both stable and
useful for years. A re-installation would be necessary only under very
rare circumstances. Just because _you_ clearly have no idea about how to
maintain a computer, don't assume everyone else is as helpless.

That may imply that the files that are with the oems may give issue which
used to make me have to reinstall windows. Other than that, when i bought
another motherboard, i had to reinstall, when i upgraded my cpu i had to
reinstall, probably because of the chipsets being different i would
imagine. Not only that, a different cpu as well. But, on that i may be
wrong, but that is the only resaons why i reinstalled on my own builds was
the upgrading, and since i have the x64 i didnt need to have the clone on
my other sata drive. And with all the storage i have i just did it out of
use, i mean i dont actually need 3 hardrives lol so what the hell? I am
not going to buy another computer tower and motherboard and so forth to
have two computers.

Michael Stevens

ROFLMAO, you are one cluess dude. Your HP system probably had the RESTORE
files on the D drive.
BTW, it's friggen not fregen. LOL I am in tears, thank you.


The hp had the xp home on the D and then it would isntall on the C, it had
the same on both, the partition. When it installs, it would go from cd to
D, then after that it would go from D to C, then after it is done, the D
does not get deleted it is still there. It is no more because the comptuer
is no more, but that is the way hp had it set up. 734n pavilion.


I no longer hhave an oem computer, becaues i build my own now because of the
money saved and the stability being better.


As well, there were 8 cds that came with it and it is not like typical ones
lol because you cant extract programs from it you have to put in all 8
discs. when you had to restore a program or a driver the D drive did it,
and if i remember right the D drive was actually i think the fat fs i am not
sure but the way they had it set up i am sure for God's sake i reisntalled
windows on that computer many times and many times as well looked at my
drives, D was never used other than to restore. Hp coudl have changed the
way tey do things now but the 734n pavilion had it set up that way. You can
go to the site and get the manual for it i think if you want.

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