Dual-Boot in Same Partition


Bob Riekert

I was having problems with a contaminated file called "system", so I tried
to refresh the system by reinstalling Win2000. (In Win98 this would work)
It created a second Win2000 in the same partition! Unfortunately, it asks
at bootup whether I want to enter Windows 2000 or Windows 2000 and the
default operating system is the new one that has none of my applications

Microsoft KB suggests I look at boot.ini, but there is none. All my folders
are visible from both Win2000's, so I suspect I have them in the same
partition. How do I get rid of the new one???? (or at least boot to the
correct one).


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Bob Riekert said:
I was having problems with a contaminated file called "system", so I tried
to refresh the system by reinstalling Win2000. (In Win98 this would work)
It created a second Win2000 in the same partition! Unfortunately, it asks
at bootup whether I want to enter Windows 2000 or Windows 2000 and the
default operating system is the new one that has none of my applications

Microsoft KB suggests I look at boot.ini, but there is none. All my folders
are visible from both Win2000's, so I suspect I have them in the same
partition. How do I get rid of the new one???? (or at least boot to the
correct one).


Your first step must be to find out where things are. Boot into each OS,
then do this:
- Click Start / run
- Type cmd {OK}
- Type set systemroot

The response will tell you the folder where the current version of
Windows is installed.

Assuming that the two folders are different, you can rename the
unwanted one to "Windows1.bad" for example. After doing this,
wait a week then delete Windows1.bad if all is well.

The file c:\boot.ini is a hidden file. Tell your explorer to show
hidden and system files and you will see it immediately.

Bob Riekert

Thanks for your prompt response. I did uncover hidden and system files but
still couldn't find a boot.ini.

Since this was an upgrade from Win98 to Win2000, it kept the original folder
as Windows. The second installation of Win2000 put its data in WinNT, so I
can identify the "bad" installation... but the question is will I still have
the dual boot menu come up even if it can't find the "Windows" folder it is
looking for... in which case it will probably bomb...??!

(BTW - This is my first append to any newsgroup, so please be patient if I'm
not doing it right. Thx.)


Pegasus \(MVP\)

- Click Start / Run
- Type this:
notepad c:\boot.ini
- Check the "Default" boot item and make sure it's the one you want.
- Remove the boot item(s) you do not want.
- Set the timeout to 0.

This will take care of the initial selection menu.

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