[DTM] Generic Logo Submission exercise




I did the "Generic Logo Submission" exercise. I followed all the
instructions... But it failed!

_ WDK Prepare client for submission (Job ID 1320): completed even if there
is an error for "Copy Submission information from controller"(1).

_ EDID 1.3 and DDC (Job ID 843) failed:
- WDKDriverValidationLibraryJob: completed;
- WDK File Signature verification Library Job: failed (2);
- Copy Test Binaries: failed (3);
- Run EDIDV2 Test: not run.

Cannot Find Pattern "\\DTMSERVER\DTMLogs\Submissions\3_Display_submission\*.*"
Error Code 3 (The system cannot find the path specified)

INFORMATION : Marking RunJob Task "Run WDK File Signature verification
Library Job Task" As Failed as the LibraryJob "WDK File Signature
verification Library Job" has Failed

CKeyEvaluator::ExpandString : Parameter [WTT\WOW64TestBinRoot] not
Found...will Keep it as it is

Thank you for your help!


I made a clean install for the DTM client and it works better now!

But it is stanged:

_ WDK Prepare client for submission (Job ID 1320): completed even if there
is an error for "Copy Submission information from controller"(1)!!!!!

_ EDID 1.3 and DDC (Job ID 843) completed

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