Dsiplay a combo box


George Sydney

I have created a label program to print freight labels. I have a item table
with 2 fields item code and item description.
i created a combo box on a form so i can select by item code, the combo box
shows item code and description when your selecting an item but once selected
the combo box only lists the item code and not the description.
I want to select by item code but the desription be visible on the form once
Can anyone help in a simple language.


Ken Sheridan


Assuming the description is in the second column of the combo box's
RowSource property, i.e. its something like SELECT ItemCode, ItemDescription
FROM Items ORDER BY ItemDescription, then add an unbound text box to the form
with a ControlSource property along the lines of:


where cboItems is the name of the combo box. Note that the Column property
is zero-based, so Column(1) refers to the second column.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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