Dropdownlist not working


Binod Nair

Hi All,

This is what I am trying to do.I have an aspx page with the the following
code block.

<asp:DropDownList id="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSource="<%#
GetUsers%>" DataTextField="user_email" DataValueField="user_id">

GetUsers is defined in the .vb file

Public Function GetUsers() As DataSet

Dim ds As DataSet
ds =
"), CommandType.Text, "select user_id , user_email from users")
Return ds

End Function

I am kind of frustrated that I cannot make this thing work.What am I doing
wrong ?



Hello Binod

Populate the the Dropdown list in the Code Behind page, not on the HTML
side. Create a procedure that handles the populating of the dropdownlist
then call it from wherever you need it.

Protected Sub LoadDropDown()

Dim MyDataSet as DataSet

MyDatSet = GetUsers()

With DataList1
End With
End Sub

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