drop down menu



I am using access 2003
I have a form, with approx 75 records, that is used by several people. I
want to be able to open the form with a drop down list, in which a person can
pick his name, and only the records that apply to that name will appear.
Does anyone know how I can do this? I am not good at SQL writing. I would
appreciate any help you can give me.



Set Form Filter

Hi Aurora,

you can use a form filter

here is a generic example:

put comboboxes, textboxes, listboxes, etc on the form (i put then in
the header). Assign this to the AfterUpdate event of each one...


then put this code behind the form

Private Function SetFormFilter()

dim mFilter as string
mFilter = ""

If not IsNull(me.text_controlname ) Then
mfilter = "[TextFieldname]= '" _
& me.controlname_for_text & "'"
end if

If not IsNull(me.date_controlname ) Then
if len(mFilter) > 0 then mFilter = mFilter & " AND "
mfilter = mfilter & "[DateFieldname]= #" _
& me.controlname_for_date & "#"
end if

If not IsNull(me.numeric_controlname ) Then
if len(mFilter) > 0 then mFilter = mFilter & " AND "
mfilter = mfilter & "[NumericFieldname]= " _
& me.controlname_for_number
end if

'--------------- Filter form you are behind
if len(mfilter) > 0 then
me.filter = mfilter
me.FilterOn = true
me.FilterOn = false
end if


End Function

me.controlname_for_number refers to the NAME property of a control on
the form you are behind (Me. represents the form -- kinda like "me" for
me is not "me" for you ;))

delimiters are used for data that is not a number
quote marks ' or " for text
number signs # for dates

mfilter is a string that is being built for each condition -- but if
nothing is specified in the filter control (IsNull), then that addition
to the filter string is skipped.

finally, when the filter string is done, it is applied to your form.

That means that as you flip through records, ONLY records matching that
filter will show

Then, if desired, put another command button on the form

Name --> btnShowAll
OnClick --> [Event Procedure]

me.filteron = false

a requery of the form will also reset the record pointer back to the
first record.

If you want to capture the record you are on and set it back, you can do

'put this at the top of the code

'save value of primary key
dim mPrimaryKey as long
mPrimaryKey = 0
if not me.newrecord then
mPrimaryKey = nz(me.mPrimaryKey_controlname)
end if

'then, after the code sets the filter...

if mPrimaryKey = 0 then exit function

'go back to record you were on
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst _
"mPrimaryKey_fieldname = " & mPrimaryKey

If Not Me.RecordsetClone.NoMatch Then
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
End If


Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com

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