Drop down Menu for Prompts



I have set up a prompt in the Criteria Line [What Dept?], but how do I get
the prompt to have a drop-down menu? The item in the Table I use for
"Department" is a "Combo Box" for the Lookup. The drop down menu shows up in
the form, but not the prompt in the query.

Rick Brandt

ShrinePP92 said:
I have set up a prompt in the Criteria Line [What Dept?], but how do
I get the prompt to have a drop-down menu? The item in the Table I
use for "Department" is a "Combo Box" for the Lookup. The drop down
menu shows up in the form, but not the prompt in the query.

The built in paramater prompting is very limited and is seldom used in a serious
app. Instead you should open a form first that has the TextBoxes and ComboBoxes
that the user fills out and then replace the paramater markers in your query
with references to that form.


I have set up a prompt in the Criteria Line [What Dept?], but how do I get
the prompt to have a drop-down menu? The item in the Table I use for
"Department" is a "Combo Box" for the Lookup. The drop down menu shows up in
the form, but not the prompt in the query.

You can't get that drop-down in the query prompt.

You'll need to create a form, with the combo box, and change (in the
query) [What Dept?] to

Make sure the datatype of the bound column of the combo box matches
the datatype of the field in the query.
Change FormName and ComboName to whatever the actual names of the form
and combo box are.

The form must be open when the query is run.

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