Drop-Down List



I want to make a drop-down list that contains the names of the various
worksheets on my workbook. I want it so that when I pick the name of the
worksheet it will automatically takes me to that sheet. Does anyone know
how to do this?

Gord Dibben


First of all...........you can right-click on any of the navigation arrows at
lower left of sheet tab list and see 15 sheets and "more sheets".

If you truly need more than that.....................

Rather than an dropdown list sheet with hyperlinks, try a sheet navigation
toolbar or similar.

Sheet navigation bar from by Dave Peterson at Debra Dalgleish's site.


Or Bob Phillips' Browsesheets macro.

See this google search result.


Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


thank you!

Gord Dibben said:

First of all...........you can right-click on any of the navigation arrows at
lower left of sheet tab list and see 15 sheets and "more sheets".

If you truly need more than that.....................

Rather than an dropdown list sheet with hyperlinks, try a sheet navigation
toolbar or similar.

Sheet navigation bar from by Dave Peterson at Debra Dalgleish's site.


Or Bob Phillips' Browsesheets macro.

See this google search result.


Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Gord Dibben

Use Bob's browsesheets macro in that case.

Copy the macro to a general module in your workbook.

Add a button from the Forms Toolbar to your main worksheet..

Right-click and assign browsesheets macro to that button.

But take note that you now have no way to run the macro after you have selected
another sheet, unless you copy the button to every sheet.


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