Drop Down List & VLOOKUP - getting wrong data



I've created a drop down menu in cell A1 by referencing an arra
"ADDRESSES", which is a single list of addresses.

I created a VLOOKUP for the owner's name to automatically show up i
cell B1. [VLOOKUP(A1, HOMELIST, 2)

Problem: this has worked for half the homes (all Main Stree
addresses). Once I try to start with Town Road homes, I get the wron
owner information inserted.

The addresses are listed alphabetically by address, as an example:

1 Main Street
5 Main Street
2 Town Road
3 Town Road

Could this be part of the problem?

Any help is greatly appreciated

Peo Sjoblom

Use exact match


that way you would know when there is no match, that can depend on
for instance hidden spaces or other characters.


There are 2 forms of VLOOKUP :-

Because you have left out the final argument, it uses the TRUE versio
which requires that the lookup column be sorted in ascending order. Th
VLOOKUP returns the first *approximate* match that it comes to. If yo
want to use Town Road, you will need to sort this column.

The FALSE version of VLOOKUP does not require a sorted list because i
returns an exact match or #N/A if not found

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