Drop down list from filtered data




I need to create a drop down list. The cell used to create the
data/validation in is on "Sheet 1". The list is on "Sheet 2".

Here are the specifics:
Sheet 2 list contains the following columns: column 1 = Structures,
column 2 = Guyed
The list can grow or shrink and the values can change.

Example data:
Structure Guyed
2 Y
3 Y

When filtered for "Guyed" structures only, the list becomes:
Structure Guyed
2 Y
3 Y

Now on Sheet1 I have a single cell that I want users to be able to
click and select a single Guyed structure. Thus, the drop down list
must only contain those structures with a "Guyed" value = Y (and don't
forget, those values can change along with the structure numbers and
thus, it must be dynamic not static).

I appreciate any guidance.
Best regards,


One play ..

In Sheet2,

Table in cols A and B, data from row2 down to say, a max expected row100

Use 2 empty cols to the right, say, cols D & E

In D2:

In E2:
(Leave E1 empty)

Select D2:E2, copy down to E100 to cover the max expected data
Col D will return the "guyed" items from col A, bunched neatly at the top

Then create a dynamic, defined range to grab col D's items

Click Insert > Name > Define, and set it as:
Names in workbook: Guyed
Refers to: =OFFSET(Sheet2!$D$2,,,COUNT(Sheet2!$E:$E))

Then in Sheet1, create the DVs as desired ..

Select B2:B10 (say)
Click Data > Validation
Allow: List
Source: =Guyed
Click OK

The DV droplists' selections will be dynamic as required, ie display only
those items in Sheet2's col A flagged as "Y" in col B



I'm having a little difficulty with the solution. Here is what I've
done to make it workin my scenario.

First the actual data:
The name of the items I want in the list are in column A (beginning at
The column for "guyed" is P.
The two end columns I am using for your example below are AC (you used
D) and AD (you used E).

What I've changed in your formula:
In cell AC3 I have the following:

In cell AD3 I have the following:

With this scenario, I get the error #NUM! in cell AC3.
When evaluating, it is choking at (SMALL(AD:AD,ROW(A3)) so...I assume
either the (A3) is the incorrect value for "ROW" or the AD:AD is
Can you help?



Nevermind. I figured it out! I'm still not sure how it works but I
did figure out how to make it do what I want.

I changed


....and all is well.

Thanks again!


Glad you sorted it out, Brady.

Yes, that's right. Use ROW(A1) for the formula in the starting cell,
irrespective of where this cell may be. ROW(A1) is used here as an
incrementer, to return the sequential series: 1, 2, 3 ... as we copy the
formula down. To see this, just put in any cell: =ROW(A1), then copy down.
To propagate likewise when copying formulas across, we could use COLUMN(A1).



What's that...could it be...yes, yes...I think it is. The cloud is
lifting and I can see the trees again!

Thanks Max. I think I understand most of what is happening in the

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