DRM problem with Media Player



Hey guys, there is a problem i'm having with WMP 10, i'm on SP2

I get this every time i try to acquire a liscense for ANY protected content
(MTV Overdrive,WWE,whatever). I've been getting these ever since i performed
an HP System Recovery last year on my 3 yr old Pavillion, so i imagine some
important file must have been lost in the shuffle of everything

Anyway, during the liscense aquisition, i get this IE Script Error

Line: 2
Char: 81
Error: A problem has occured in the Digital Rights Management component.
Contact Microsoft product support
Code: 0
URL: Whatever

No matter what option i choose (running scripts on the page or not) it does
not work

Tried: Rebooting,Add/Remove Programs Uninstall,WIndows Component Uninstall

I have also heard conflicting reports that in SP2 you can NOT IN ANY

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Drew Tognola


I had this scripting error problem a while back. This repaired the problem.

Step 1
* Close Windows Media Player
* open Windows Explorer, navigate to:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM
* Delete the entire 'DRM' folder of it's contents (don't delete DRM folder)

Step 2
* Open Regedit
* Navigate to:
NT x86\Drivers\Version-3

* right-click on the Version-3 folder, select 'Export' , name & save the
file to partially backup your registry
* In Regedit, expand (+) the 'Version-3' key
* Select a shown driver folder, one at time. for example, 'Lexmark Z600
Series', then in the right-side pane, right-click the 'DriverDate' key and
select 'Delete'
* right-click and select 'New' > click 'String Value', then type DriverDate
* Double-click the new 'DriverDate' key, type a date before today's day's
date in this format 06/20/2006, click OK
* Repeat the last 3 steps for each Driver shown
* Start Windows Media Player and try receiving video

If this doesn't repair the scripting error, I suggest you click the saved
'Version-3' backup you created in an earlier step and return the registry to
before the change.


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