Drive capacity is down from 250 gb to 130 gb after reinstall...



I installed Vista on a clean 250 gig Maxtor and created five partitions of
47gig each. Then I decided to delete Vista and reinstall XP with the
intention of looking into Vista at a later time. But now my drive only shows
that there is 130 gig on it when I install XP.

I've used the MaxBlast software and it reports there is 250 gig, and I also
performed the FULL FORMAT feature... but XP stills only sees 130 gig.

I've also reloaded Vista onto a single 250 gb partition, so it would be the
only partition. But I still get diminished capacity when I load XP.

Any ideas on what I can do to get my full capacity back for XP?


Colin Barnhorst

It sounds like your XP is XP Gold. I believe XP SP1 and later can see the
full 250GB.

If that is the case and you have another computer consider making a
slippstreamed copy of XP + Service Pack 2 and use that to install XP.

Ground Cover

You should not take an RTM (2002) version of XP to the Internet. Obtain and
install SP2 to it before ever doing so. Windows XP (2002) and Windows XP
(SP1) can be compromised *just by connecting* and can be compromised within
minutes - long before you have time to download and install all the critical
updates and patches.

The full (also called network) SP2 can be downloaded and burned to CD-R.
Watch the wordwrap on the URL:

here's the tinyurl:

.. or you can order the CD-ROM disc from Microsoft:

here's the tinyurl:

Colin Barnhorst

You should make the slipstreamed cd anyway, because if you ever need to do a
repair installation of XP the versions on the hard drive and your cd need to
be the same.

The process is very simple. Download the network version of the service
pack using the link so kindly provided by Ground Cover. Then download
AutoStreamer from

This as close to fully automated as it gets.

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