draw toolbar is dim



I'm new to Frontpage so please forgive my stupidity. I'm trying to use the
draw toolbar to draw a freeform shape. Most everything on the bar is dim and
not available. I can open the autoshape box but then everything inside is
also dim and unavailable. How do I turn on the toolbar?
I have searched for answers on this and have already checked that the VML
box is checked on the authoring page. I also have checked all the boxes on
the authoring page and set the drop downs to custom/custom/ie5 Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

Kevin Spencer

Check your browser compatibility settings. Many browsers don't support VML,
which is what the drawing tools use. If you have your configuration set up
to support those browsers, these tools will be disabled.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
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But some people are better at hiding it.

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