Drag and Drop



I recently wiped my computer due to a virus, now when I go
to drag and drop something from one folder to the next
instead of just placing it in the folder of my choice it
automatically copies whatever I'm dragging rather then
just moving it. Example - I want to move a joke I
downloaded from my C drive to me D drive by dragging and
dropping and instead of moving file it copy's it and
leaves a copy on both C & D drives. Before I used to be
able to Drag it from one place to the next without it
actually copying it and leaving in the original place.

Just a pain to go back and Delete the original file

any help would be appreciated


Hi, Gord.

In XP if you drag with the left mouse button it copies to the destination
folder. If you drag with the right mouse button you are given the choice of
"Copy", Move, "Create Shortcut" and "Cancel".

Hope this helps.



By default drag and drop on the same partition is a
move...drag and drop across partitions is a copy.

Brian V

Bill Jeffrey

By default drag and drop on the same partition is a
move...drag and drop across partitions is a copy.

Brian V
Drag as before, but before you drop, look for a little + symbol in a
square. If you see it, it means you will be making another - a
duplicate - a copy.

Still holding the mouse button down, press CNTL or ALT. One of them
will make the little symbol go away, I can never remember which. When
the symbol goes away, release the mouse button. Since there is no +
symbol, you are not making a duplicate - you are just moving the file.it
Which is what you want.

BTW, this also works with the shortcut symbol - the little arrow in the
square. If you drag, and see the shortcut arrow at the destination, you
are about to create a shortcut in the new location. If you wanted to
copy the file, and not just create a shortcut to it, press CNTL or ALT
to make the shortcut symbol go away.


Bill Jeffrey

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