downloading a cd from xp to vista (from hard drive)



i have a cd of "My Doccuments" from my old hard drive (emachine). How do I
load it onto my vista presario desktop please? Thanks much


Copy the CD files to C:\users\(youraccount)\Documents
Do not try to copy to the My Documents junction. It is not a directory.

If the files are Read-only, you will have to change that after copying.


Thanks Dave for the info. As a neophite on computer,
and vista, how do I find the C:\ (directory) Thanks


Start - Computer (on the right side)

you will see all of your drives.

open your cd drive by double-clicking on it.

highlight the files you want, right-click and select "Copy"

click on your C: drive
and go to \users\(youraccount)\Documents
right-click and select "Paste"

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