downloaded program files folder question


Debbie Graham

Before it used to list all my Active x programs like Java, WGA, flash and
now those aren't there but these files are and they were never there before,
dwusplay.dll, dwusplay.exe, erma.inf and isusweb.dll. What is really
supposed to be in that folder?

Also why won't my flash card reader not show the drives in my computer
anymore? It used to show up when I was using it and then I would use the
safely to remove hardware thing to shut it down.


Before it used to list all my Active x programs like Java, WGA, flash and
now those aren't there but these files are and they were never there before,
dwusplay.dll, dwusplay.exe, erma.inf and isusweb.dll. What is really
supposed to be in that folder?

Also why won't my flash card reader not show the drives in my computer
anymore? It used to show up when I was using it and then I would use the
safely to remove hardware thing to shut it down.

"Safely to remove hardware " means just that - it removes the hardware from
the computer .

Wesley Vogel

See this if the folder is messed up. I.e. you do not get Update, Remove and
Properties in the right click context menu.
Restoring Functionality to the Downloaded Program Files Folder

Do this also, File menu | Show All files

See this if you have XP SP2...
How to manage Internet Explorer add-ons in Windows XP Service Pack 2

SP2 has somehow changed some things with the Downloaded Program Files
folder. I have no idea what all.

At first glance my C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files folder appears empty.

cd C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files in a command prompt and a dir

C:\>cd C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files>dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5CCD-8663

Directory of C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

05-Mar-06 06:51 AM 346,216 IDrop.ocx
05-Mar-06 06:51 AM 114,280 IDropENU.dll

and a dir /a:h command...

C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files>dir /a:h
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5CCD-8663

Directory of C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

08-Mar-07 01:42 PM 65 desktop.ini

The C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\desktop.ini files has...


{88C6C381-2E85-11d0-94DE-444553540000} is the CLSID for Downloaded Program
Files folder. Called the ActiveX Cache Folder in the registry.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


Debbie Graham

Jim I know that, but what I mean is when I have my flash card reader in use
if I click on MY COMPUTER it is list with my other drives. But now it
doesn't show when I use it now.


Debbie Graham

Thanks Wes, that worked............


Wesley Vogel said:
See this if the folder is messed up. I.e. you do not get Update, Remove
and Properties in the right click context menu.
Restoring Functionality to the Downloaded Program Files Folder

Do this also, File menu | Show All files

See this if you have XP SP2...
How to manage Internet Explorer add-ons in Windows XP Service Pack 2

SP2 has somehow changed some things with the Downloaded Program Files
folder. I have no idea what all.

At first glance my C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files folder appears

cd C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files in a command prompt and a dir

C:\>cd C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files>dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5CCD-8663

Directory of C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

05-Mar-06 06:51 AM 346,216 IDrop.ocx
05-Mar-06 06:51 AM 114,280 IDropENU.dll

and a dir /a:h command...

C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files>dir /a:h
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5CCD-8663

Directory of C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

08-Mar-07 01:42 PM 65 desktop.ini

The C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\desktop.ini files has...


{88C6C381-2E85-11d0-94DE-444553540000} is the CLSID for Downloaded Program
Files folder. Called the ActiveX Cache Folder in the registry.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Debbie Graham said:
Before it used to list all my Active x programs like Java, WGA, flash and
now those aren't there but these files are and they were never there
before, dwusplay.dll, dwusplay.exe, erma.inf and isusweb.dll. What is
really supposed to be in that folder?

Also why won't my flash card reader not show the drives in my computer
anymore? It used to show up when I was using it and then I would use the
safely to remove hardware thing to shut it down.

Wesley Vogel

You're welcome, Debbie.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Debbie Graham said:
Thanks Wes, that worked............


Wesley Vogel said:
See this if the folder is messed up. I.e. you do not get Update, Remove
and Properties in the right click context menu.
Restoring Functionality to the Downloaded Program Files Folder

Do this also, File menu | Show All files

See this if you have XP SP2...
How to manage Internet Explorer add-ons in Windows XP Service Pack 2

SP2 has somehow changed some things with the Downloaded Program Files
folder. I have no idea what all.

At first glance my C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files folder appears

cd C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files in a command prompt and a dir

C:\>cd C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files>dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5CCD-8663

Directory of C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

05-Mar-06 06:51 AM 346,216 IDrop.ocx
05-Mar-06 06:51 AM 114,280 IDropENU.dll

and a dir /a:h command...

C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files>dir /a:h
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5CCD-8663

Directory of C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files

08-Mar-07 01:42 PM 65 desktop.ini

The C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\desktop.ini files has...


{88C6C381-2E85-11d0-94DE-444553540000} is the CLSID for Downloaded
Program Files folder. Called the ActiveX Cache Folder in the registry.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Debbie Graham said:
Before it used to list all my Active x programs like Java, WGA, flash
and now those aren't there but these files are and they were never there
before, dwusplay.dll, dwusplay.exe, erma.inf and isusweb.dll. What is
really supposed to be in that folder?

Also why won't my flash card reader not show the drives in my computer
anymore? It used to show up when I was using it and then I would use
the safely to remove hardware thing to shut it down.

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