Don't what explorer or aol to start till after computer boots up.



How do I turn off internet explorer or aol from starting when I turn on my
computer or restart. my computer till I am ready to go on line.

Rich Barry

Go to Start>Run type: msconfig and click Ok. Select Startup Tab and
Uncheck Aol and IE if there.

Ken Blake, MVP

jimsandy3 said:
How do I turn off internet explorer or aol from starting when I turn
on my computer or restart. my computer till I am ready to go on line.

General instructions for stopping any program from starting autoimatically:

On each program you don't want to start automatically, check its Options to
see if it has the choice not to start (make sure you actually choose the
option not to run it, not just a "don't show icon" option). Many can easily
and best be stopped that way. If that doesn't work, run MSCONFIG from the
Start | Run line, and on the Startup tab, uncheck the programs you don't
want to start automatically.

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