Does dot net truely platform independent?.



Hi all,

can anyone tell me does dot net platform independent? Why can't i run
dot net on unix operating system?.

thanks in advance.

Morten Wennevik [C# MVP]


..Net Framework is not platform independent, but optimized for windows

There are ongoing efforts of porting .Net Framework to other systems, and
most commonly known is the Mono project, and through Mono you are able to
run .Net programs in Unix or other non windows operating systems.
However, if you plan to write .Net programs for non windows platforms, you
are best off starting with Mono instead of regular .Net as not all
libraries have been ported.

The url for the Mono project is but at the
time of writing it did not respond. Until it comes back up, you may
settle for the Wikipedia entry


For anyone interested in running .NET managed code on non Microsoft
platforms, I think it's also worth stating that Mono is
supported/funded by and supported by Novell.

I tried Mono when it first became available and wasn't impressed, but
it's made a lot of headway. I recently used Mono for a project and was
pleasently suprised how easy it was to get my ASP.NET project running
on Linux. I had to make alterations to the data layer classes, but
aside from that all the middle tier and UI code (all created in Visual
Studio.NET I might add) ran just fine.

I've heard that recently they also added WinForms support (only for the
1.1 Framework )

I was using the web server that comes supplied with Mono, but I've
heard getting it to work on Apache isn't that big of a hassel.


archana said:
can anyone tell me does dot net platform independent? Why can't i run
dot net on unix operating system?.

You can not call .NET for platform independent.

The MS .NET product is for Windows only.

There are a couple of .NET implementations
for some Unixes/Linux/MacOS X - the most wellknown
is Mono.

It has implemented most of MS .NET.

You can give it a try on your Unix.

But if you are a business where 99% compatible
means incompatible, then it is not the rigth


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