does provide a solution to post back from javascript to raise an server-side event in the pa


The Crow

i want to raise an event on the server with a javascript call on the client.
i found a solution but i think its not so elegant. the solution is:
i call __doPostBack("RefreshPage", ""); from javascript and check in the
Page_Load routine :
bool refreshPage = Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "RefreshPage";

i could do it with __doPostBack("", "RefreshPage"); and ["__EVENTARGUMENT"]
== "RefreshPage"

i could also add a hidden input control to the form, and set its value to
something and check its value in the Page_Load event handler..

i also tried
Page.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "RefreshPage");

it writes out : __doPostBack("", "RefreshPage");

i called that function in javascript to cause an postback and in the page i
overrode the RaisePostBackEvent method:

protected override void RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler
sourceControl, string eventArgument)


if(eventArgument == "RefreshPage")


//Do something..


base.RaisePostBackEvent (sourceControl, eventArgument);


but this method doesnt be called by the

it is suprising that no elegant solution is provided by microsoft. does
anybody know better way doing this?


It's not that it's MS "not providing an elegant solution", its just that you
are dealing with apples and oranges....
Anyway, you're really pretty much on the right track. You'll have to force
the page to do a postback and catch some variable/value and manually fire
your event.

The Crow

i cant see apples and oranges around what do you mean? and why
raisepostbackevent doesnt raise? if it wont raise, why Page class expose
that method? i know it raises when for example i inherit from button, i
expect same thing when i inherit from page, because its a control too.

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