Does anyone ever answer questions here?



I have seen a ton of posts asking the same question about
IE having to shut down after loading. Doesn't ANYONE from
MS answer questions or do they just give you an update that
screws up your browser then go about their business like
there is nothing wrong??



There are no paid employees of Microsoft here. These are all volunteers.
This is a newsgroup. What is your question?

PA Bear

With very few exceptions, NO ONE from MS answers posts here. This isn't
official MS Support Chat Room and we're all volunteers, even MVPs.

I've answered about 100 posts here in the past ten days. In all but 3
threads the original poster hasn't been heard from again.

So maybe you'd be better off asking, Does anyone using the web-interface to
access this newsgroup know to click on the + sign in front of posts to see
the answers?
~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)

MS04-004/02 Feb-04 Cumulative Patch for IE

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