Does any one use the Logging application block?



I was wondering if anyone knew any places where I could get some more
specifics about it. I have read the docs but they seem very vague to me and
don't describe all the available settings.

Specificaly I'm wondering

1. What is the instrumentation part do? It seems it only counts the number
of logs per second an app generates, that doesn't seem that useful to me.

2. Is there a way to not have messages go to the event log including the
"instrumentation" messages?

3. If I install my program on another machine do I have to run the "Install
Services" from the Enterprise Library on that machine too?

4. I run the Enterprise Library Configuration thing and I'm supposed to open
what file with that? I guessed and opened my apps .config file and added the
config block and logging block but I don't see anything that says turn off
sending messages to the event log.

5. What are the loggingdistributorconfiguration.config and
loggingconfiguration.config files and am I supposed to do anything with

6. Has anyone given up on this and went for log4net instead and was that

7. Can someone give me the short version of what the advantages are of the
exception handling block? I think it allows you to wrap exceptions in a new
class and that new class contains more detailed information. I think you
catch an exception then create a new exception (from the ehb lib) and throw
that. Then you catch that somewhere else and it has all kinds of info in it.
Is that the gist of it?



Like most times right after I post a message I found the answers myself. For
those that are wondering check out specifically an
article entitled 'Get Loggin with the Enterprise Library' by Piers Lawson.
That's a good read and answered most of my questions.

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