Does Acrobat 8 seem to scroll slowly in Vista?



a minor quibble but when reading an Acrobat document on Vista at full screen
it takes quite a long time to scroll down a page using the vertical slider.
I've applied all the latest patches (performance & reliability for vista,
and all the latest for Acrobat pro. It's a bit better when Acrobat is not
maximized, but it ain't great. This is a fast laptop, NVidia 256 and all
the latest drives. no such problem on XP. Not a deal breaker but just an
annoyance. anybody else having the same issue?


Upgrade ALL your drivers, pay particular attention to video and
hard drive drivers AND any required hard drive utilities.

How much RAM in the machine? Are you running Acrobat inside
of IE - I wouldn't.


All drivers are the very latest. 2 GB RAM, I use Firefox but I am talking
about viewing in Acrobat, not in a browser. Everything else with Vista is
fine, Acrobat is just slow. I tried Foxit, a simple free PDF reader and it
is somewhat faster, nothing to write home about though.

Rainald Taesler

SwampYankee shared these words of wisdom:
All drivers are the very latest. 2 GB RAM, I use Firefox but I am
talking about viewing in Acrobat, not in a browser. Everything else
with Vista is fine, Acrobat is just slow. I tried Foxit, a simple
free PDF reader and it is somewhat faster, nothing to write home
about though.

I tried out the new 2.0 but will uninstall it.
IMHO it's tremenndously faster. But there is a number of important
thins missing, f.e. searching through a directory (not to speak of
making use of the an Acrobat index).
And the quality of the display is significantly worse.


Charles W Davis

If Foxit isn't fast, there are two other possibilities, you aren't getting
the download speed that you are expecting, or the server is slow. Check your
download speed with this site:

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