Documenting Active Directory Environment.


frank s

I've been asked to document our Active Dircectory environment and really
dont want to do it manually. Anyone know of any tools that can do the

Document ..
All OUs and the objects within them.
All Users in general.
All Groups and their members.
All OUs and policies applied to them.

Pretty much as much as possible.


Richard Mueller

Frank said:
I've been asked to document our Active Dircectory environment and really
dont want to do it manually. Anyone know of any tools that can do the

Document ..
All OUs and the objects within them.
All Users in general.
All Groups and their members.
All OUs and policies applied to them.

Pretty much as much as possible.


I haven't scripted to document polices, but I have a few sample VBScript
programs that might help. This one documents OU's, containers, groups, and
the number of computer and user objects in each:

This program documents all groups, including membership: Domain Groups.htm

If you need to document the complete group membership, including membership
by nesting and the "primary" group, you can use this example: Members of a Group.htm

To create a list of all user Distinguished Names, use this: User List 2.htm

The last program can be expanded to document just about anything about
users. You can easily add to the list of attributes retrieved, then output
the values in the loop that enumerates the ADO recordset. For more info on
using ADO, see this link:

And finally, for available attributes see this link:

Darin Levy

You can use DSRAZOR to document all the items you listed. DSRAZOR excels at
documenting AD objects. You can export any or the reports to CSV, Text or
print the results. It requires no programming ability. You can modify any of
the canned reports using an intuitive drag-and-drop type interface.

You can get more information here:

We can give you a web based walkthrough so you can see how DSRAZOR works.

Darin Levy
Senior Support Engineer
Visual Click Software, Inc.
512-231-9990 x 2

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