"Do you want to merge changes back into?"


Daniel Bloch

Has anyone seen this annoying dialog box, upon opening a
file? You are asked if you want to merge changes in {name
of document} back into {name of read-only document that
served as template for the document you're opening}.

The dialog offers the options "Yes," "No," and "No and
don't ask again." Selecting the last choice doesn't
prevent the same question being asked next time.

This seems to occur mainly with documents created on one
computer, opened on another.

Beth Melton

Hi Daniel,

Yep! This is caused by Outlook 2002 automatically adding AdHoc Review
properties to every Office document you email.

Take a look at this article for more information and how to rid
yourself of this nuisance:

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton

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