Do robots follow Navigation Bar Buttons?



I want to make sure search engine bots & spiders reach and index all the
pages on my site. Some pages seem to take forever to get updated.
It has ocurred to me that maybe they can't follow the page links provided by
the Navigation Bar, and that I'll need to provide normal hyperlinks to help
them around.
Does anyone have a difinitive answer to this?

Stefan B Rusynko

The nav bars generate html that search engines can follow
- you can also add text nav bar links at the bottom of the page



It would depend on your navigation bar. Some work fine with spiders and
others do not. Those that fail are those that have the links embedded in
javascript code.

A look at your page would reveal which yours were.


Look at your code.

As long as you can see a link in the code like this -

<a href="./"><img src="_derived/home_cmp_arcs100_gbtn.gif" width="95"
height="20" border="0" alt="QER Ltd"></a><br><a href="servReps.htm">

a spider can follow it. Your page looks fine in this regard.

Tina Clarke

qersoft said:

Spiders will follow graphics but your best having Anchor text ...

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let me know if this helps

Tip now out is: Do you know how to Sort Text In A Table with FrontPage? - FrontPage Tips
They are primarily for FrontPage 2003 but will be good
for earlier versions too.

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