Do NTD apps know where they came from?


Bruce W.1

Say I have a No-Touch Deployment app .exe file sitting on a remote
server under IIS. When that program is deployed and started, is its
home directory still on the remote server from whence it came? If there
was a text file in the same directory on the server could the NTD app
read it, from its remotely deployed location?

Thanks for your help.

Bruce W.1

Bruce W.1 said:
Say I have a No-Touch Deployment app .exe file sitting on a remote
server under IIS. When that program is deployed and started, is its
home directory still on the remote server from whence it came? If there
was a text file in the same directory on the server could the NTD app
read it, from its remotely deployed location?

Thanks for your help.


I've partly answered my own question. I whipped up a winform that is
supposed to read a file from the same directory as the NTD .exe on the
remote server. It threw a security exception.

If I interpret this correctly the .exe's home directory is indeed still
on the remote server. But the remote server just wouln't let me open
it. So yes, the home directory remains on the remote server.

This however creates a problem. I need the NTD .exe to read a file on
the remote server and display information based on the content of this
file. The file could be a text file, configuration file, or a MS Access
database file.

Does anyone know a way to grant this permission?

Chris Botha

Bruce, you can't read/write anything on the server directly. The idea behind
no touch deployment is that the app uses web services to communicate back to
the server.

Bruce W.1

Chris said:
Bruce, you can't read/write anything on the server directly. The idea behind
no touch deployment is that the app uses web services to communicate back to
the server.

I see that now. And I appreciate your help.

I didn't realize how crippled NTD applications are. Guess it will have
to be a regular winform application. I wanted to do some real-time
communication between the NTD app and the server, which you can do but
only in one direction (to the server). Might as well be an ASP.NET web

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