do i use vlookup or sumproduct???



I have these two sheets (as an example)

Sheet 1 :

..........A................ B........... C .........D
......Product .........Total
......Codes ..........sales
3 ..apples
5 ..bananas

Sheet 2:

..............s...................t.............. u ...............v
.............Product... Sales
48 ......apples........ 20
49...... pears .........15
50..... bananas...... 23
51 ......apples .........8
52 .....apples .........13
53 ...bananas .........15

In column b on sheet 1, i wish to total the sales values - so for example
column b 3 i wish to add up ALL the sales of apples (20+8+13 =answer 41)....

What formula do i need to put in column b3 to achieve this?

many thanks

Franz Verga

Nel post *Lazclark* ha scritto:
I have these two sheets (as an example)

Sheet 1 :

.........A................ B........... C .........D
.....Product .........Total
.....Codes ..........sales
3 ..apples
5 ..bananas

Sheet 2:

.............s...................t.............. u ...............v
............Product... Sales
48 ......apples........ 20
49...... pears .........15
50..... bananas...... 23
51 ......apples .........8
52 .....apples .........13
53 ...bananas .........15

In column b on sheet 1, i wish to total the sales values - so for
example column b 3 i wish to add up ALL the sales of apples (20+8+13
=answer 41)....

What formula do i need to put in column b3 to achieve this?

many thanks

If the two sheets are on the same workbook you can use SUMIF or SUMPRODUCT:



But the two sheests are on separate workbooks you should use SUMPRODUCT:


Hope I helped you.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Franz Verga from Italy


Lazclark said:
I have these two sheets (as an example)

Sheet 1 :

.........A................ B........... C .........D
.....Product .........Total
.....Codes ..........sales
3 ..apples
5 ..bananas

Sheet 2:

.............s...................t.............. u ...............v
............Product... Sales
48 ......apples........ 20
49...... pears .........15
50..... bananas...... 23
51 ......apples .........8
52 .....apples .........13
53 ...bananas .........15

In column b on sheet 1, i wish to total the sales values - so for example
column b 3 i wish to add up ALL the sales of apples (20+8+13 =answer 41)....

What formula do i need to put in column b3 to achieve this?

many thanks

One way would be to use SUMIF()... Something along the lines of this in



Bob Phillips



Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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