Do I need any of these Files?



F/WINNT/Downloaded Program Files/
F/Program Files/Common Files/updmgr

These are files that were infected by adware & dialer, they are currently in my quarantine.

It seems to have affected my CD. Player. I can burn, no prob, I can autoplay a CD with files, but I have been trying to install the Game the Sims. It starts automatically, just getting the choice to install, etc, I press install, and a download box comes up (no choice to save), I press open and thats it..nothing else happens.
When I go into add/remove and try to install it manually, it wont recognize the 2nd CD.
I have spoke with Maxis over and over again, and we cant figure it out.
Please if you have any ideas...

Wesley Vogel

You do not want any of them.


"Nightmarish background task which we have found responsible for popup
advertisements, Internet Explorer crashes, boot-up errors, Internet
connection slow-down, and more, and more. Worse, the biggest culprit for
installing this task is the popular file sharing program KaZaA. We do not at
this stage know who wrote this piece of terribleware but from our records it
seems to have started appearing on users’ PCs from February 2004 onward."

Recommendation :
"We have nothing good to say about this task. However, KaZaA users beware :
disabling or deleting this task can prevent the latest versions of KaZaA
from working (there are advertisements-free alternatives to KaZaA, WinMX is
one of them). To all other users we recommend disabling this task on the
Startups tab of The Ultimate Troubleshooter, then restarting your PC and
deleting the “C:\Program File\Common Files\UPDMGR” folder. Finally, delete
this entry from the Startups tab of The Ultimate Troubleshooter."

uqfnhzxo.dll returns nothing in Google either a virus or scumware.

bridge.dll is scumware.

wmactive.exe looks to be a dialer.

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