DMA Transfer Mode



I have a Gigabyte motherboard -ga 8srx- with Pentium 4
1,7 ghz and 512 ddr ram. The problem is that i can't
make my pionner dvd-rom 116 to work at DMA tranfer mode.
I have a liteon cd-rw also. I have them both on the
secondary IDE channel -cd-rw as master and dvd-rom as
slave. I have tried various combinations, dvd-rom as
master and cd-rw as slave, I have left the dvd alone as
master to the secondary channel, i have updated the
motherboard drivers, i have flash the BIOS to the latest
version -f9- all with no effect. The dvd continious to
work only in PIO mode.
If anyone have any other suggestions, i'll be very


-----Original Message-----
As far as I know cdrom/cd-rw only run in PIO mode. DMA is
for hard drives
.joe, maybe you're right at the point that i don't
know if my dvd-rom is capable of DMA transfer mode,
because i didn't find anything about it in pionner's
web site. The point is that my cd-rw works at ultra
DMA 2 mode so i think that the dvd-rom must have that
capability too, although i'm not so sure about it.


george said:
I have a Gigabyte motherboard -ga 8srx- with Pentium 4
1,7 ghz and 512 ddr ram. The problem is that i can't
make my pionner dvd-rom 116 to work at DMA tranfer mode.
I have a liteon cd-rw also. I have them both on the
secondary IDE channel -cd-rw as master and dvd-rom as
slave. I have tried various combinations, dvd-rom as
master and cd-rw as slave, I have left the dvd alone as
master to the secondary channel, i have updated the
motherboard drivers, i have flash the BIOS to the latest
version -f9- all with no effect. The dvd continious to
work only in PIO mode.
If anyone have any other suggestions, i'll be very

I recently discovered that my CD-RW had switched from Ultra DMA 2 to PIO
mode. The CD-RW is on the secondary IDE channel with a Pioneer DVD Rom. The
CD-RW is set as a slave, the DVD-ROM is set as master.

On Windows XP (don't know about other OS's) make sure that "Use DMA If
Available" is checked for the drive in question, then reboot. In my case,
rebooting did NOT change the CD-RW from PIO to DMA. What worked for me was
to remove the secondary IDE channel (the one containing the drives in
question) in the Device Manager, rebooting, and allowing XP to re-discover
the drives and the secondary IDE channel. Now both CD-RW and DVD-ROM are
working at Ultra-DMA 2 again.

Hope this helps, Good Luck,


I recently discovered that my CD-RW had switched from Ultra DMA 2 to PIO
mode. The CD-RW is on the secondary IDE channel with a Pioneer DVD Rom. The
CD-RW is set as a slave, the DVD-ROM is set as master.

On Windows XP (don't know about other OS's) make sure that "Use DMA If
Available" is checked for the drive in question, then reboot. In my case,
rebooting did NOT change the CD-RW from PIO to DMA. What worked for me was
to remove the secondary IDE channel (the one containing the drives in
question) in the Device Manager, rebooting, and allowing XP to re-discover
the drives and the secondary IDE channel. Now both CD-RW and DVD-ROM are
working at Ultra-DMA 2 again.

Hope this helps, Good Luck,

that's the last thing that i didn't try. I had them before
the same way as your's. I had the dvd-rom as master and
the cd-rw as slave, as for device manager I have the dvd-
rom at DMA if available but the current trasfer mode it's
still in PIO mode. So my last solution is to follow your
advice to uninstall the secondary channel and to reinstall
it again.
I let you know about the results,
Thanks anyway for your time,


Xekester, guess what it didn't worked!!

Look what I did: I boot to safe mode, I uninstall the
secondary IDE channel and reboot. WinXP reinstall the
secondary channel and the two devices, when i looked
at device manager the cd-rw was at ultra DMA mode 2 and
the dvd was at ultra DMA mode 4, the thing is that the
dvd-rom continious not to function. It refused to read
any kind of cd-rom's and the only thing that i can do is
to activate PIO mode again in order to make it work.
I'm running out of ideas, don't know what else to do.



Sorry that didn't work for you. I'm just wondering that since both devices
are now showing Ultra DMA but the DVD still is not functioning whether you
need your vendor's version of the DVD driver rather than the default XP
version. Just guessing, but maybe you could try re-installing the DVD's
driver. Do this either by rolling back the driver (to previous version), or
getting the latest XP driver from the vendor's site. A new driver would
probably be preferable.

Unless others have a better idea...

Good Luck,

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