Dlookup problem with date..


Mikael Lindqvist


The field SL03004 is type "date/time" and SL03002 is type "text", both
located in table SL03L000

Faktnr1 is the name of the combobox (that in itself is a result - DLookup -
from another textbox).

Now, below code (in control source) just gives me an error...

=DLookup("SL03004";"SL03L000";"SL03002 = '" &
[Forms]![kund_f_faktkomm]![Faktnr1] & "'")

Any ideas?


Jeanette Cunningham

try this, with square brackets around the field name SL03004
=DLookup("[SL03004]";"SL03L000";"SL03002 = '" &
[Forms]![kund_f_faktkomm]![Faktnr1] & "'")

you can also insert this line just above the DLookup line to see if the form
can find the value for [Forms]![kund_f_faktkomm]![Faktnr1]
Debug.Print "faktnr1: " & [Forms]![kund_f_faktkomm]![Faktnr1]
run the form then press Ctl + G to open the immediate window
you will see if the form could correctly find the value of

Is kund_f_faktkomm a separate form that is open at the same time as the
form with the DLookup code?

Jeanette Cunningham

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