DLookup - multiple criteria



I have a query [qryAgmtsThatAutoRenew] with a field that calculates an
agreement's current expiration date [Expr1] based on its effective date
[EffectiveDate],if the following condition is met: [RenewalID]=1 (the
agreement must auto-renew).

I also have a form with the following controls:
[cboRenewal] - this combo box is bound to [RenewalID]

I would like to set things up so that as soon as a user changes cboRenewal
to [RenewalID]=1, and assuming that [EffectiveDate] is not null, the date
field [CurrentTermExp] will automatically look up the value in the calculated
field [Expr1] in the query [qryAgmtsThatAutoRenew].

If [RenewalID] is not =1, I'd like to just be able to enter the current
term's expiration date manually.

Is there a way to do this?


answered in your other post in microsoft.public.access.forms
please don't multi-post (that means posting the question in separate
messages to the same or different newsgroups). if you really need to post to
more than one group (it's rarely necessary), list both newsgroup addresses
in the same single post. once you've posted, please wait a reasonable length
of time before abandoning a post and re-posting the same question in the
same or another newsgroup; around 24 hours or longer is a reasonable wait, 2
hours is too short.


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