DivX Avi AHHHH All I want is my Yoga Videos!!! :(



I'm trying to burn Yoga Videos onto my CD-RW. But they cannot burn. It
says that I need a codec DivX. But I've been searching for one (looking on
this website) and it says I have to use caution when downloading one. Do
they make one for Windows Vista? If not, does anybody have any Yoga videos I
can burn that are 30minutes long? (hahaha) Thanks.

Cal Bear '66

Go to divx.com ONLY and download the latest package...BUT, do a CUSTOM install
and ONLY install the codec -- the other components of the package are not fully
Vista compatible.


I suggest finding the Vista Codec Package that a few people have put
together. It will give you DivX and other non-standard codecs to use to play
or encode audio and video formats.

I would probably skip www.divx.com as they profess they are NOT Vista
compatible yet.

The Vista Codec Package is free and made up of open source/freeware codecs.
You can find it on Betanews.com or other sites, or just do a search for it.

Cal Bear '66

Installing the Vista Codec Package is a very, very BAD idea. It has screwed up
Windows Media Player, Windows DVD Maker and Windows Movie Maker beyond repair.
Avoid it at all costs.

The DivX codec from divx.com is Vista compatible. A custom install of the DivX
package is all that is required. Only install the codec.


The First versions of this product were a mess. I even commented on many
public forums about the 'problems' it caused from messing up codecs and WMP
to even replacing the standard and accelerated Vista codecs for MPeg2
acceleration, basically turning off GPU acceleration of MPEG2.

However, the latest versions of this package, don't cause these problems.
The people working on the package actually listed to people like myself
complain of the problems they were creating.

I can atest to the fact the latest versions do not replace any standard
system codecs in Vista, don't turn of acceleration and don't mess with
anything other than JUST MAKING the codecs available to the system.

So I understand your previous experience, as I was one that while testing
the package out was very annoyed by the problem it would cause a normal

Do a System Restore and give it another try on a fresh Vista install, you
will be surprised that the package works as it should. And if you not,
restore the system and send them an email about how they suck and why,
because a lot of people are installing them, and if you can get them to stop
screwing up something, the better it will be for everyone.

(PS. I have no interests or association with the people that provide the

Good Luck...

zachd [MSFT]

I'm intensely interested in people's system working. I regularly get to
notice that while version A of the codec pack was totally broken, version B
was kind of mostly fixed, and version C is broken in a whole different

The long and short of it is that it's generally a pretty bad plan to be
using codec packs. Are they still using private directories to store the
codecs? If so, that's a time bomb just waiting to go off. I got on Shark a
while ago about that, but I haven't kept up with whatever randomization VCP
is doing now.

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