Dissecting managed PE file (EXE or DLL)



Hell all,

I m just curious to know whether there is any tools/utilities through which
I can open a managed EXE file and see such details as PE hader, .text and
idata section, CLR header, IL, Metadata etc. while ILASM can only show
manifests and IL code, i wonder how one can see sections like .text and
..section contained inside a managed PE file.



my apologies for making spelling mistake in the word "Hello". "Hell" should
read "Hello". I wish there was some means of editing the posts here.

Marcus Cuda

pradeep_TP said:
Hell all,

I m just curious to know whether there is any tools/utilities through which
I can open a managed EXE file and see such details as PE hader, .text and
idata section, CLR header, IL, Metadata etc. while ILASM can only show
manifests and IL code, i wonder how one can see sections like .text and
.section contained inside a managed PE file.

Check out PE Explorer - http://www.heaventools.com. Not free, but works well with managed files.

Mattias Sjögren

I m just curious to know whether there is any tools/utilities through which
I can open a managed EXE file and see such details as PE hader, .text and
idata section, CLR header, IL, Metadata etc. while ILASM can only show
manifests and IL code, i wonder how one can see sections like .text and
.section contained inside a managed PE file.

One that I came across recently is CFF Explorer at
http://pmode.net/CFF.php. I haven't actually tried it yet but it looks
promising and it's free.

Remotesoft has a similar tool at

Dumpbin.exe included with the Platform SDK and VS may also be useful.


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