Displaying an AVI file


zachd [MSFT]

Thanks - I tried this using the July beta 3 of FFDShow Troyouts (ffdshow.ax, I believe?) and this worked fine for me with video in Movie

I would suspect that the XVID/DIVX decoder on your system is incompatible
with that content. What specific decoder are you using?


Thanks. I don't understand the first part of your response. And where do I
display the decoder information on my system?

zachd [MSFT]

A: I'm suggesting using a different company's decoder may work much better
than the one you're using currently. =\

B: It's difficult to find this out easily - WMP's Help:About:Technical
Support Information menu tool will show you much of this information, but
not all.

NT Canuck

zachd said:
A: I'm suggesting using a different company's decoder may work much better
than the one you're using currently. =\

Some xvid are tough to play, and some avi also on Vista,
if using wmp11..this may help, also works on WinXP.

if that doesn't do it..vlc player seems better.

for some video files I had to install the gomplayer
but did not run it!

however the vlc player then kicked in
and ran all my avi/xvid no problem,
likely gomplayer added some needed/useful item.

I tried with wmp11, wmp10 will not install,
so installed without wmp11 at all..and used
above players. hth
B: It's difficult to find this out easily - WMP's Help:About:Technical
Support Information menu tool will show you much of this information, but
not all.

heh, this stuff all worked in both WinXP and Server2003
with little codecs, now clients have to fight for every inch.

NT Canuck
'Seek and ye shall find'


Hi Marily
I tried to used you suggestion about the probram conterver bu didnt work
form me any others solutions

Video displaying black with no audio.

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