Display information based on selection




I have a document with 4 worksheets. Three of the worksheets contain bill of
materials (BoM) data.Each one has different number of rows. Additional rows
are added/removed as needed from each of the BoMs. Forth sheet is for
consolidation where I show totals as well as selection check boxes. What I
would like to do is to display details of the BoM on this page if it's
correcponding checkbox is checked.


For Example:

Sheet A:
Component Qty T.Price
PC 1 1000
Monitor 2 500

Sheet B:
Component Qty T.Price
PC 2 1500

Sheet C:
Component Qty U.Price T.Price
PC 1 1000 1000
Monitor 2 200 400
Scanner 1 100 100

Sheet D:
Sheet A and Sheet C are selected.

Component Qty T.Price
PC 1 1000
Monitor 2 500
Component Qty U.Price T.Price
PC 1 1000 1000
Monitor 2 200 400
Scanner 1 100 100


It looks like you want to select worksheets and then have the
corresponding information appear in another worksheet, so what do you
mean by "checkbox"? Also, why would you want to simply list the data
in worksheet D (with multiple copies of the headers), as you have
below, instead of subtotalling it, summing, average, etc?

Since you have the same headers on each sheet, you could use a Pivot
table and consolidate each range (as needed) onto another sheet.

If you google "multiple consolidation ranges pivot table" there are
many examples.


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