Display Explorer Folders Tree Structure and Export to Excel


Chris Beckett

I need to make a list in Excel of all the files on my C:
drive, folder by folder.

I can't find any command in Explorer to export the file
structure in this manner.

Can anyone help?



Go to a dos prompt. go to the c:\ if u want the listing of that drive.
type this command dir > somefile.txt
this will print out the contents of the directory to the text file.
then you can export that text file to Excel.

M. Rajesh
..Net and Windows Shell MVP

Chris Beckett

Many thanks !

I was also directed to a freeware program called msls.exe
that allows me to print out the entire directory
structure in one go with all subfolders. I think using
DIR requires manually working your way through them one
by one, and running DIR each time ?

That means a lot of work in my case !

Thomas Wendell

Put the parameter "/s" after dir, and youl gett a _very_ long list of all
the files on your computer, directory by directory..... to put the output in
a file to edit it, append ">\directories.txt"

Of course without citation marks...

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