Display date and time



How can i display the date and time at real-time?Below is the script. Please

Private Sub txtTimeDAte_Change()

Dim MyDate

MyDate = Now ' MyDate contains the current system date.

txtTimeDAte.Text = Format(MyDate, "dd,mmm yy hh:mm:ss AMPM ")

End Sub



If you want it as a call up message box. Using your macro with an added line.

Private Sub txtTimeDAte_Change()
Dim MyDate
MyDate = Now ' MyDate contains the current system date.
MyDate = Format(MyDate, "dd,mmm yy hh:mm:ss AMPM ")
MsgBox MyDate
End Sub

If you want it on the worksheet, pick a cell and type "=Now()" without the
quote marks.


There is also a keyboard shortcut for calling date and time:

Ctrl + ; for date and Ctrl + Shift + ; for time.

They did away with the clock feature in the Windows package. I used to have
it displayed in digital format in a corner of my screen. The 2003 version
has it on the status bar at the bottom now. You should be able to use one of
those that I have suggested.


Hi JLGWhiz,

Thanks for the info,
I'm creating a userform which i want to display the date and time in the
The problem i'm facing now is that the date and time refreshes whenever i
click it.
I want it to function like a digital clock. I hope you get my idea.

Please advice

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I'm creating a userform which i want to display the date and time
in the corner. The problem i'm facing now is that the date and
time refreshes whenever i click it. I want it to function like a
digital clock.

Give this a try. Right-click the UserForm's ToolBox and select "Additional
Controls" from the popup menu that appears. Scroll down to "Microsoft Status
Bar Control 6.0" and select it. This will add the "Status Bar" control to
the Toolbox. Place a "Status Bar" control on your UserForm. Highlight
(select) and click on the Custom property in the Properties window and click
on the button with the "three-dots" caption. You can play around with adding
panels and what not, but for your requested option, click on the Panels tab.
One panel should already exist on the "Status Bar" by default. Change that
panel's Alignment property to 2-sbrRight, Style property to 5-sbrTime and
AutoSize property to 1-sbrSprint. Hit OK and watch the displayed time change


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