Display Access report in PowerPoint



Hi !

I hope Stephen Lebans is still here watching.

I was searching the web to find a way to get reports from Access 2003
to powerpoint slides, and the i found som threads here regarding the
reporting tool from Lebans.com.

I have downloaded the tool, and copied database, forms and report from
my database to the yours, and i works perfect.

Now i wanted to move the files to my own database, and i moved all
reportfiles, all forms & all modules. I run the report utility form,
choose my report and choose EMF format and "save to file". I the choose
a name for the file and open. Then an error occures "Compile error -
variable not defined" and i shows "Set specs = CreateClass 'New
RptSpecs" in the clsPrintToFit module.

What is wrong ?





The Lebans Report Tools database references a second code library database
that contains the RptSpecs class. Open the original report tools database
and in the VBE window, go to tools -> references to see its reference to
that secondary code database, then in your app, set a reference to the same
code library database.


Hi SA !

Thanks a lot !! It worked :)

Now i only have one problem left. That is many of the seperating lines
in the report, disappears when inserted in the Powerpoint slide.

Any ideas to that one ?


Stephen Lebans

Take 2 minutes and read the contents of the ReportUtilitiesWeb page.


Stephen Lebans
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