Disk Check



In running Norton Utilities and Disk Check, I found many unreadable sectors
on one of my slave drives. I think it is going bad so I thought I might
reformat it and see if that helps before I spend big money for the repair
shop. I just don't remember how to reformat a disk from my dos days. Any
help or other suggestions on how to correct my problem. I'm running XP sp2
Home Thanks

R. McCarty

Do not trust Norton Utilities to analyze/repair any disk drive used with
Windows XP. First use the native Chkdsk. If it finds errors - backup
the data and run Chkdsk /F. As an additional check visit the drive
vendor's website. They will have a bootable diagnostic you can run on
the drive to test both it's electronics (Controller board) and the actual
drive platter surfaces. NU is a carryover tool originally created for the
9X/ME versions of Windows and in my opinion has no value to users
running Windows XP.


Youre going about that in the wrong way...Try booting to xp cd,recovery,press
enter key for password,then type:CHKDSK D: /R In repair,instead of /p for
Fix,xp tries to repair damaged sectors.When thru type:EXIT This can/could
also be done in IE,disk properties,tools,repair sectors.Also,D: being the
to repair.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


The sooner you remove Norton Utilities, the better.. use XP native stuff as
already suggested..

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