discs not recognized




When I boot up, if I have a dvd in my drive (Panasonic SW9585c) all works
When I boot up, If I DO NOT have a dvd in my drive bay, when I put one there
it is not recognized and I just get a message "insert disc". It seems there
should be an easy answer here, but I don't know what that is. The MS
Autofix.exe did not help. Anyone got any ideas?


Are you using Nero? I read a post somewhere that someone had the same
problem and uninstalling Nero fixed it.


Ok, Here is my conclusion and or opinion on the matter. Sp2 is a Major
security update and because of this it seems to have affected software and or
hardware in certain cases pertaining to CD or DVD recorder/players and
perhaps other system third party apps and the like. In some cases a reinstall
or update/upgrade of third party software is needed. Or a reconfiguration of
existing system software that was setup by the user over (in some cases) a
year or longer ago. So, basically we as users tend to forget what we did
initially and just notice that it use to work, what's going on? So, I
recommend (it solved my problem) to update/upgrade the burning software you
use, do a firmware update for the recorder (if the OEM has one, or if one
soon will be available) by contacting the original equipment manufacturer by
email as you did or live tech chat or by direct download of the firmware
update. the use of a firmware update has it's risks and a bad update can DOA
a drive. In my case it went well and the Nero 5.5 I use, worked again like a
charm. I was saved from having to upgrade Nero, along with the cost of doing
so. Every situation can be different and some have success uninstalling the
drive and software and reinstalling, that did not seem to work for me,
though. I was not willing to experiment with countless tries and failures
either. I did however find an update for the inbuilt burning software XP uses
and will share it here: http://www.highmat.com/download/

It may be as simple as updating the XP inbuilt, uninstalling your third
party burning software and your drive with a reboot, try then to just use the
inbuilt XP burner on a CD-R too see if you can at least do that..I have not
tried this approach myself, so???
Just to refresh you memory see the link: http://aumha.org/win5/a/xpcd.php

Please, post and let all of us (users) here know your results..


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